The article analyzes chronotope of road as one of the most common forms of time and space in an adventure novel. Attention is paid to the works “Dzhuras of Cossack Shvaika” by Volodymyr Rutkivsky and “Treasure Island” by Robert Louis Stevenson. The main characters-children in the adventure novels by R. Stevenson and V. Rutkivsky were analyzed in order to determine the special features of the theme of growing up and the transition from childhood to adulthood, to the independence. The desire to travel and the ease with which the boys in both works go on the road play a characteristic role. It is determined that the main characters Sanko and Hrytsyk in the Ukrainian novel, as well as Jim in the English – are tested in the journey and thus enter the adult stage of life and the key in the depiction of these transformations is the chronotope of the road. Just as in Vladimir Rutnitsky’s historical adventure novel, Jim’s identity is being formed in Robert Stevenson’s adventure novel Treasure Island. Jim grows up, becomes courageous after the journey, finds a real treasure and gains recognition in society. Robert Stevenson’s novel synthesizes the traditions of the sea adventure novel and the problems of the ethical plan, transfers the civilizational conflict from the space of traditional England to an island where there are no socio-cultural norms. Jim Hawkins as a noble boy goes through a series of trials, losses and disappointments, which is quite a hallmark of the neo-romantic hero. It is important that despite motive of the journey – the search for treasure – protagonist clearly distinguishes between material and spiritual values. Overcoming obstacles in the way of reward, like treasure, the boy gains experience that allows him to reveal such traits as piety, courage and humanism. United for one purpose, the characters of different generations were able to repel the enemy: both Cossacks with the Jury to Tatars, and the same the sailors team to the pirates. As a result of the analysis, it was concluded that the chronotope of the road performs plot-forming, characterological, ontological and symbolic functions in the novel and helps to reveal the main idea of the work and depict key images.
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