This article considers the work of E. Malaniuk in terms of typology of integrity. In particular, the author dwells on the cyclical structures that predominate in the poetic work of the writer, and highlights the holistic perception of his work in general. Due to the special ontological position, cyclization is the most characteristic of the lyrics. The author notes, that the historical process of formation of the category “cycle” is inextricably linked with the process of formation of consciousness of the creative personality, in particular the author's establishing. The scientist considers the author's consciousness from the point of view of the problem of differentiation of integrity, which is divided into two oppositional (binary by dichotomous approach) types. In particular, the study focuses on one of the types of integrity – homogeneous. Analytical studies of modern scientists and their predecessors, as well as the reasoning of the author of the article, lead to the fact that the category of integrity is a system-integral factor of cyclization. Attention is focused on the analysis of the poetic collection “Earth and Iron” by E. Malaniuk, which reveals the semantic features of the nature of the conflict, which together with the concept of personality and system of figurative and poetic expression demonstrate a complete structure inscribed in a typological series of homogeneous integrity. The question of war, the past and future of Ukraine, the women’s and national question, the attitude to contemporaries, the problem of foreign country – this is not the full range of thematic diversity of the cycle “Steppe Ellada”, which express the historiosophical views of the author. E. Malanyiuk’s characteristic vision of the lyrical hero as a special man, a whole man, reveals the principle of biography, which is the pervasive dominant of all the poet’s work.
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