The article considers the problem of formation and development of the family novel genre, its transformation and modification in order to outline the family novel as a separate genre in literary criticism. The urgency of the problem lies in the fact that in recent decades the genre of family novel is gaining popularity in world and domestic literature, and therefore requires a wide discursive functioning. The study is based on the ideas of foreign scientists K. Dell, Y.-L. Ru, who propose to consider the family novel as a separate genre in the process of formation and development of literary genres and determine the leading function of the family novel for society, and is based on studies of domestic literary critics (T. Bovsunivska, N. Kopistyanska, T. Kushnirova). The article states that the novel is a genre that is constantly evolving, and therefore acquires genre transformations and modifications depending on the historical epoch, literary direction, author's concept, sociality of literature, etc., but regardless of the above factors is central to the description of personality in various dimensions. Based on the theory of T. Bovsunivska, which defines the transformations / modifications of the novel genre, an attempt is made to consider the transformations/modifications of the family novel. The family novel is transformed and acquires the features of a socio-psychological novel, historical novel, career novel, etc. and forms the genre-content core: the story of man, his formation in the family, the formation of worldview in the family, family conflicts and social conflicts . Modifications of the family novel are proposed to be considered on the principle of stereotypes. An example can be a family novel that has been transformed into a separate genre, so it forms genre modifications in the form of subgenres, which can be a family saga, family chronicle, generation novel, parenting novel and other modifications that have a common genre-content core the story of personality and its formation in the family.
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