The article notes that the emotional sphere of individual is extremely diverse and complex. Emotions play an important role in human life and are closely interconnected with the processes of speech and communication. At the language level, emotions are transformed into emotiveness, i.e. a person's verbal / nonverbal reaction to a stimulus. Demonstrating one’s own emotions is a natural need of man of today in the process of communication. For the modern communicator, in particular the user of social networks, there are various forms and means of expression of emotions: phonetic, graphic, lexical, syntactic and other means. The authors note that the predominant graphic tool aimed at visual perception of information. The main research methods are theoretical analysis and synthesis (generalization of theoretical information about the category of emotionality, defining characteristics of Internet communication), descriptive method (description of features of lexical means to express emotions), systematic analysis (selection of factual material, its systematization). It is proved that the peculiarities of virtual communication are: dialogicity, emotionality, special authorial character, reader-author or speaker-listener ratio, removal of time and space restrictions, participants’ status is usually equal, general picture of the world, unlimited choice of language means. The desire to experience certain emotions is explained by the desire to emotionally fill the text. Especially since the Internet contributes to this, because an important feature of Internet communication is the combination of various stylistic elements, the use of colloquial words and phrases, elements of language games, the use of phraseology and more. Emotiveness is a linguistic characteristic of the text that can cause an emotional effect. It is the result of the transmission of human emotions through language. Accordingly, any verbal means of expression convey either neutral emotions, or positively or negatively colored. As a result of the research it was found that in situations when in a large flow of information the sender of the message has to attract the attention of the recipient, he makes the most of the influence of graphic means, supplementing them with symbolic information.
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