The article considers terminological phrases’ structure and emotional coloring with the core component “Geld” in German economic terminology. The main term-forming structural models are revealed, divided into two- and multicomponent. New terminological compounds were recorded and analyzed. The following tasks were performed: the theoretical foundations of the study of economic terminology were analyzed, structural models of the studied units were determined, and the emotional coloring of these terminological phrases was analyzed. Approaches to defining terminological phrases, conducting a thematic classification of the studied units, and determining the basic terminological structural models. New terminological compounds were recorded and analyzed. The study’s relevance is due to the rapid development of economic terminology. This is manifested in the addition of new units, the processes of the language of everyday vocabulary. The terminological vocabulary of economics requires a piece of sufficient knowledge and skillful application. The study of structural and semantic features of terminological phrases contributes to a better understanding of the patterns of functioning of professional languages. Since the sample is formed from terminological phrases from periodicals during the pandemic period, namely in 2020, the expressiveness of the terms is present. Despite the fact that linguists have long studied the emotionality of vocabulary, this component of the language system is still actively discussed among linguists. Moreover, the terminology is a broad layer of vocabulary that interacts closely and intertwines with other lexical items. Therefore, one of the most critical tasks of modern linguistics is to study the patterns of formation of terminological vocabulary, structure, and semantics. German economic terminology is a dynamic system. Over time, there are new forms of management, business, which is associated with the sale of goods and services, and their production extends to foreign countries with foreign partners. Therefore, such terminology is actively functioning in the economic sphere of legislation in the documentation of office work.
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