The article deals with the features of modern Ukrainian novel by M. Matios, which includes the eternal spiritual values. The universal which have always been of the great importance to all the people. Such values include life, love, friendship, beauty, truth, family, and so on. The author emphasizes that all the works of the famous novelist Maria Matios are based on these values. The most important for her and her heroes such as realities and around which all others are revolved. Undoubtedly, the highest spiritual values include person and life. Moreover, the value and quality of human life has long been one of the most important principles of existence itself. Some examples of these can be found in the myths, literature and philosophy of many ethnic groups. Human civilization will not be able to continue its existence if it does not realize the values of life. The scientific novelty of the research results is to reveal, on the example of the concept of “life” of the heroine Matios, how the deepening of theoretical information about the concept of spiritual values in general, as well as how the object of study is the linguistic expression by Maria Matios. One of the basic tasks of the article is to describe various fragments taking into account culturally determined and individual features of the worldview of the novel “The Diary of the Executed” by Maria Matios, among which the main concepts are to express life, life - undressing. Numerous examples demonstrate the main vectors of artistic rethinking of female images typical of literary representation. The essence of the concept of “everyday” life is one of the categories of postmodernism, theoretically substantiated in the works of M. de Certo, E. Hoffman, P. Bouvier, etc., which consists in the study of life but not in the manifestations themselves, which are fixed in literary concepts, and in the form manifests itself in everyday life, partly in the conscious, and to a greater extent even in the unconscious. The author skillfully reveals the “everyday” life of a woman, which acquires special significance in the modern literature.
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