In the offered work the peculiarities of involvement of phraseologized units in the textual fabric of official documents of the first half of the XX century are investigated. Based on the study of the phraseology of the official business style of the Ukrainian language and work with the texts of official documents of this period, it is noted that in some genres of official business communication to manipulate the general population it is appropriate to use language formulas. expression of opinions, make them as concise as possible and at the same time do not affect the rigor and emotional restraint of official business texts. The authors drew attention to the fact that in the first half of the twentieth century in Ukraine there were significant political processes that influenced the worldview priorities of contemporary politicians and public figures, as well as the general population. A special role was given to state-building, because it was about the formation of the state of Ukraine. Therefore, it is quite natural that the language fabric of official documents of this period contains a number of phraseologized units that contribute to a better understanding of the content of certain documents designed for ordinary people. The documents regulating the work of the OUN and the UPA are the richest in phraseological expressions. A significant part of these language units is the work of their authors, which is a kind of evidence of competent command of the Ukrainian language by public figures, leading politicians and public figures who cared about building their own state, well aware of the strategic role of the Ukrainian language. It is noteworthy that the semantics of phraseologized units of official documents of the first half of the twentieth century encodes the views of their authors on the basic state-building aspects of education, language, religion, power, catholicity, diplomacy. It is concluded that based on the study of official business phraseology in a broad sense on the basis of official documents of the first half of the twentieth century can be traced the main ways to implement the idea of statehood at that difficult time.
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