The article is devoted to the study of the peculiarities of the realization of hypertextuality at the semantic and structuralcompositional levels of the newspaper text. Different views on hypertext and its essential features were analyzed in the article. The main features of hypertext were established, namely: nonlinearity of the organization; vertical and horizontal connectivity between elements; diversity of semantic-structural connections; author’s unpredictability of establishing connections between components and openness to constant replenishment; possibility of computer representation. Accordingly, it was proposed to qualify hypertext as a nonlinearly organized, open to replenishment set of semantically and / or structurally interconnected texts that are in various relationships that the recipient establishes independently and in a randomly selected sequence. The realization of hypertextuality at the semantic and structural-compositional level was analyzed. It was established that at the semantic level of a newspaper text hypertextuality can be realized by ideological and thematic coherence, the latter has the following subspecies: subjective, object, antetematic and suprathematic coherence. connectivity can be direct and indirect: linear connectivity and radial connectivity. Texts that are part of the hypertext formation, can enter into different semantic relations, the most common of which are the following: additions, concretization, gradation, controversy. It was found that at the structural and compositional level of a newspaper text, the representatives of its hypertextuality are most often the unity of the design of interphrase coherence, the identity of the composition, the similarity of the semantic and syntactic structure of the headlines. It is noted that hypertextuality at the structural-compositional level is secondary when compared to hypertextuality at the semantic level, as the former only signals possible intertextual connections, while the latter activates the recipient’s cognitive activity to find and establish a textual paradigm. It was established that the number of formal indicators of hypertextuality is inversely proportional to the intensity of its manifestation, as it narrows the range of texts that the recipient can include in the test interaction, deprives him of the pleasure of independent search for textual paradigm.
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