Translation of professional vocabulary is the basis of scientific translation, an important means of intercultural communication, and constantly attracts the attention of researchers. This is especially true of the lexical and terminological units of the legal field, which have been represented by a large number of lexicographical publications, research and publications over the last decade. Its success depends on the translator as a mediator of intercultural communication. Undoubtedly, modern strategies for translating English legal discourse are a very important task for a translator, which requires a high degree of mastery of both languages, a multifaceted perception of the linguistic picture of the world, and excellent knowledge of the field of science. After all, despite the expansion of international cultural and legal ties in the world, the use of modern means of communication, such as the World Wide Web, and the associated mutual enrichment of different languages and cultures, the translator must take into account that each language is unique and evolving independently. It has its own linguistic realities, it enshrines its own cultural and historical realities, as well as new realities and concepts that do not yet have equivalents at the time of their translation into other languages. That is why the translator acts as an interlingual mediator who helps recipients to obtain the information they need, and at the same time, introduces new terminological lexical items in the vocabulary of their native language.The urgency of the topic has led to the growing interest of modern linguistics in the study of conceptual linguistic phenomena of English-language legal discourse, contributed to the identification and systematization of its linguistic representation.Analyzing examples of English-language legal discourse, universal patterns and specific differences are characterized.
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