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магічний дискурс, сугестивна комунікація, казка, магія, фентезі. magical discourse, suggestive communication, fairy tale, magic, fantasy.

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The article is devoted to the main directions and tasks of modern discourse as a branch of linguistics on the example of English magic discourse. The term "discourse" is used in different meanings and is the subject of study in different directions. The purpose of the article is to provide a brief overview of existing research on magical discourse and to outline the prospects for its study on the basis of English. Relevant in the article is the description of magical discourse as a suggestive type of communication. Peculiarities of magic discourse realization are revealed. Distinctive features of a fairy tale and fantasy are characterized. The historical and cultural value of the phenomenon of magic has been formed over many millennia and remains among the value dominants of all modern cultures. This phenomenon, which originated as the beginning of the spiritual life of ancient civilizations, means sorcery rites and rituals associated with the belief in the ability of man to supernaturally affect people, animals, natural phenomena, as well as imaginary spirits and gods. Magic is inextricably linked with such concepts as mysticism, fiction, witchcraft, which reach the naive picture of the world and are categorized in magical texts that allow to psychologically counteract the negative impact of the environment. Such texts and related ritual actions belong to the magical discourse and are actualized in the genres of spells, spells, conspiracies, spells. The magic text has a pronounced suggestive potential, is symbolically rich and implements basic strategies of warning, correction and protection. At the dawn of humanity, people tried to find the perfect words, to generate healing texts – conspiracies, prayers, formulas of hypnosis. The most successful of them were remembered, corresponded, passed down from generation to generation, and a person who professionally owns them was considered a magician, magician and sorcerer. Magical discourse as a suggestive type of communication operates within the framework of status-role communication, which implements the protective function of neutralizing domestic phobias through: magical semiotics; magic verbal; mystical rituals with suggestive power. Magical discourse has a pronounced suggestive potential, is symbolically rich and implements basic strategies of warning, correction and protection. The key problems in the study of magical discourse remain the structure and stratification, the establishment of its features, units, categories, types; finding out ways to organize various discursive invariants, developing methods and procedures for its analysis.
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