The article reviews the creation and use of the "MEDIA&CAPSULES" platform as a means of raising the level of media culture in order to conduct linguistic research in the conditions of information warfare. The platform was developed by the educational and research center "MEDIA & TEACHER'S CAMPS" of the A.S. Makarenko SumDPU and UMIF of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine within the scope of the IREX grant. The technical features of the Virtual Lexicographic Laboratory "Multimedia Dictionary of Infomedia Literacy" as a component of the platform are characterized. The dictionary provides terms (240 items), their definitions, translation and interpretation in English, multimedia (audio, video content) to provide multimedia visualization of information with an infomedia component. The platform concept is based on the principles of interactivity, visualization, interdisciplinary integration, textcentrism, soft integration of infomedia literacy. The information presentation subsystem of the platform is characterized, which is hosted on a separate web server and contains modules for interaction with the user and display of information in the form of "media capsules": "Media literacy", "Critical thinking", "Social tolerance", "Resistance to influences, fact-checking", "Information Literacy", "Digital Security", "Visual Literacy", "Innovation, Creativity Development", filled with media educational material taking into account the methods of media monitoring, media observation, critical analysis of media products. Separate results of the analysis of software product monitoring among education seekers, future journalists, and teachers based on the results of using the platform are presented. The importance of the ability to distinguish between important and secondary details of a media message, work with facts and arguments, analyze photos, posters, and infographics has been clarified; recognize typical verbal and non-verbal means that indicate the presence of manipulation, propaganda, hidden message content; to have the techniques of communicative interaction in the network space; to acquire skills in countering fakes and hate speech; acquire interpersonal communication skills.
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УМІФ: Український мовно-інформаційний фонд НАН України URL: https://www.ulif.org.ua/aboutЇ.
Проєкти УМІФ : URL: https://ulif.org.ua/projects
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Програмні продукти : URL: https://central.ulif.org.ua/
Ресурси УМІФ : URL: https://lcorp.ulif.org.ua/LSlist