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топос, часово-просторові відносини, локація, хронотоп, міфопоетика, воєнна проза. topos, time-space relations, location, chronotope, mythopoetics, war prose.

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The article is devoted to archetypal images in the novel of the modern Ukrainian writer S. Zhadan. The scientist identified and analyzed various variations and projections of archetypes, characterized the features of the most significant and important ones. In particular, it is noted that the writer revealed several archetypes in the text, which can be grouped as spatial-energy, time-space, zoomorphic and plant. Among the first, the researcher proposes to include the archetype of the House-dwelling, a dwelling with the ancestral memory of several generations, and its variations of the House as a temporary shelter – these are the locations of the train station and the boarding school building. They can be considered a somewhat binary opposition, that is, "non-House" to the archetype of a stable House. Among the temporal and spatial ones, the author examines the toponym of the road, and also analyzes through two projections – the physical path of the hero and his inner-metaphysical path of self-discovery and character evolution. The author of the article also draws attention to the fact that the state of crisis and dichotomy, the existential amnesia of the characters is also reflected in the zoomorphic plane through the images of animals, in particular, a dog/dogs/puppies. These images are transformed in the same way: to the primary interpretations as an archetype of the spirit, they acquire the additional functions of assistant animals, whose behavior and consciousness are consistent with the heroes of the novel. Plant images also change in the work, in particular, the sunflower from the traditional symbol of the sun, work and prosperity, strength and well-being acquires the meaning of loss of moral and value orientations and the meaning of being, uselessness, futility of hopes and hopes. Through the prism of modifications of the archetypes presented in the work, the researcher also analyzed the behavior patterns of the characters, revealing their characters. As a result, the idea is postulated that the archetype of the Home in the novel is not just through and through, but the main one, it also acts as a kind of framing of the work: the plot revolves around it, and finding one’s true Home – a physical residence and an inner metaphysical one – is the main goal of the novel’s heroes. Because only such a return is the guarantee of the healing of society and its successful future.
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