The article describes a communicative approach to teaching business Ukrainian language in a higher education institution. It has been observed that the communicative approach is usually used at the final stage of language learning, therefore it is the most suitable for teaching business Ukrainian language in a higher education institution, since during the acquisition of an educational degree, students must already have certain formed and developed language skills. It is noted that the communicative approach is a method of language learning that has functional significance for communication. It has been proven that the communicative approach involves communicative learning of the business Ukrainian language and aims to teach future specialists to independently apply the theoretical perspective of the communicative approach, develop business professional communicative competence, understand the processes of language thinking and determine the interdependence of language and communication. It was determined that in order to implement the concept of the communicative method in business Ukrainian language classes, tasks and exercises should be used that will help students to enrich their vocabulary and understand the social context in which the communicative act takes place. It is emphasized that communicative competence implies that students should develop the following aspects of language knowledge: know how to use language for different purposes and functions; know how to adapt the language according to the circumstances and features of the participants in the communicative act; know how to use and understand different styles and types of texts; know how to maintain communication, despite the gap in language knowledge that appears during the communicative act. Prospects for further research on the application of the communicative approach in business Ukrainian language classes at a higher education institution are outlined, which consist in the development of a detailed mechanism and technologies for the implementation of such an approach in the conditions of distance learning.
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