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жіноча лірика, любовна лірика, мотив, образ ліричної героїні, символ, метафора. female lyrics, love lyrics, motive, image of lyrical heroine, symbol, metaphor.

How to Cite

ЧУЙ, А. В. . (2021). FEMALE LYRICS OF HRYHORII CHUPRYNKA: THEMES, MOTIVES AND IMAGES. ACADEMIC STUDIES. SERIES “HUMANITIES”, (2), 73-79. https://doi.org/10.52726/as.humanities/2021.2.6


On the material of selected poems from lifetime poetry collections and poems that remained outside of those collections, motives and images of G. Chuprynka’s “female lyrics” are investigated. It is found that “female lyrics” is such a lyric in which the author expresses his intimate world through female images (in the form of a monologue of a lyrical heroine). It is established that G. Chuprynka’s female lyrics are mainly represented by the theme of love, but it also touches an important social and national problems. It is shown how the artist accurately and at the same time delicately conveyed the psychological state of the lyrical heroine, hiding his author’s “I” behind female images. It is found that the portrait of the lyrical heroine is symbolized (the poet uses mainly folk symbols) and psychologized (reproduced at the level of her thoughts, feelings and experiences), and the background for the development of the lyrical plot is usually a folklore-romantic landscape. The heroine of G. Chuprynka’s female lyrics is a typified carrier of features of the Ukrainian folk character: emotional, sensual and romantic nature with stable moral convictions, which lives with love and for the sake of love. The author emphasizes the spiritual and moral beauty of the girl. The key to understanding the author’s female lyrics are the symbolic and metaphorical images of the heart and soul, which most fully reproduce the mental state of a woman. The theme of mainly unhappy love is revealed by the motives of separation, pain and tears for the lost love, longing for a treacherous one and attempts to resurrect former feelings at least in dreams or fantasies. The main stylistic features of G. Chuprynka’s female lyrics are clarified: creative assimilation of folklore tradition, in particular, folk song; associative-symbolist type of writing. G. Chuprynka’s poetry is full of epithets, tender and affectionate words, filled with vivid metaphors and comparisons, which usually have a folklore and symbolic basis.

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