The article highlights the role English borrowings play in fulfilling the aesthetic category of comic in “How to Get Married as Many Times as You Want” by Irena Karpa. The research delves into the features of anglicisms the author utilizes to create a comedic effect as well as specific stylistic devices that explicit their comedic potential. The writer uses poorly assimilated English loan words (barbarisms or nonce borrowings), as well as English idioms and phrases in their original or transcribed form for comedic purposes. Precedent onyms of English origin and borrowed units of the low register also bear a comedic load in the literary work. Finally, English borrowings contribute to the comedic expressiveness of some proper Ukrainian idioms, which is accompanied by derivational, morphological, and syntactic transformations. Actually, the results of the scientific experiment identify humor, irony, satire, and sarcasm as primary stylistic devices employed to create a comedic effect. It is established that humor is the most prevalent type of comedy in the novel due to its light-hearted tone of voice. Irony and sarcasm are employed to express humorous or critical attitudes of the hero toward various phenomena via semantically ambiguous phrases. Satire is occasionally used to critique negative social phenomena or human traits. Furthermore, the study attempts to identify other stylistic devices that feature anglicisms and contribute to the comedic effect, such as paradox, periphrasis, paronomasia, amplification, simile, antonomasia, antithesis, zeugma, and reminiscence. The ample use of rhetorical questions featuring anglicisms is also noted, often accompanied by other rhetorical figures such as exclamatory sentences and an apostrophe. It is argued that English borrowings possess high comedic potential due to their expressiveness. They play one of the major roles in realizing the category of comic in “How to Get Married as Many Times as You Want” by Irena Karpa. However, it is important to note that anglicisms do not possess a comedic effect in and of themselves but only contribute to creating it in a particular context along with other units. Thus, the interaction of borrowed and proper units designed to create various stylistic effects proves to be a promising topic for further studies.
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