Determining the source base of the research is one of the first and most important stages of work of any scientific investigation. The correct selection of sources contributes to the deployment of effective searches of the scientist. The problem requires a special discussion concerning explorations of the Schulz direction, primarily due to the universality of the creative heritage of Bruno Schulz, who is known throughout the world as a writer, critic, philosopher, literary theorist, epistolographer, artist, graphic artist, educator, translator, etc. The article is devoted to the presentation of the source base of studies of the literary work of Bruno Schulz, in particular, certain of its features, taking into account the multifaceted heritage of the artist, the diversity of which demonstrates the original visions of the polylogue and “overtones” with each other, speaking in modern terminology, the so-called correspondence of arts. The investigation summarizes the interrelationships and interactions between the various facets of Bruno Schulz’s multifaceted heritage; the prose work by Bruno Schulz in the realm of the Schulz Ukrainian-language discourse is outlined; the writer’s original literary works written in Polish are presented; epistolographic, literary-critical, theoretical-philosophical, visual, etc. works by the Master are visualized in order to use them as a source base for literary studies, as well as the prospects of further scientific developments in the outlined direction are made public. The author emphasizes that it is such a complex approach that helps the researcher to study this or that problem of the Schulz discourse of the literary direction more thoroughly and carefully.
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