Intentionally situational nature of the discursive space of the text is always a priority object of research of such integrative disciplines as pragmastylistics, linguocultural studies, discursive linguistics, sociolinguistics, and contextual linguistics in particular. The referred article is aimed at solving the problem of the category of contextual synonymy on the material of the newspaper micro-context. It is considered a priority to study a special speech phenomenon that requires a detailed study of a lexical-synonymous unit in the process of contextualization. Synonymy as a categorical and semantic phenomenon in language can be considered only within the level of context, since the adequacy of the meaningful content of words and expressions is determined within the framework of the entire statement. Indirect meaning in language is inextricably linked to the contextual conditions of its use, namely the context. The boundaries of associative relationships, on which the transfer of meaning is based (regardless of the basis of transfer), their understanding and the accuracy of the author’s transfer, depends on the structure of the context, on the one hand, and on the other hand, as a mechanism that allows choosing the necessary lexical items within certain limits units for creating imagery. It has been revealed that the metaphor, due to its capabilities to name phenomena that are located at a distance and connected by some associative ties, occupies a prominent place in newspaper texts, where it serves as one of the key links in the development of the polysemanticism of the word, and the polyphony of the newspaper text in particular. The article characterizes the concepts of “context”, “contextuality”, “newspaper micro-context” and “illocutively marked newspaper microcontext”. It is noted that the category of contextual synonymy on the material of modern newspaper discourse functions on the verbal-semantic, formal and motivational levels. The persuasive potential of the category of contextual synonymy on the material of British periodicals is highlighted. The typology of contexts in discourse analysis is considered.
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