In the article, the author revealed the understanding and means of implementing a personal approach during the formation of foreign language competence among students of higher education on the example of the organization of studies at the Faculty of Foreign Philology at H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University. The article defines the relevance of the personal approach precisely at the stage of diagnosis of such work. Using the methods of analyzing the content of educational programs and syllabi, studying the materials of open classroom classes and the results of monitoring studies at the university, the author obtained the following results. It has been established that the purpose of the stage of diagnosis of foreign language competence formation in the realities of today's challenges is to focus attention on achieving goals: studying the peculiarities of the vision of goals and expected results by teachers and students of higher education during the mastering of foreign language training disciplines. In the article, the author specified the target elements of the diagnostic stage, namely: analysis of the requests of the participants of the educational process regarding the creation of an environment of foreign language communication, involvement in research work in scientific schools, creation of an environment of continuous personal and professional development. The author emphasized that within the framework of the implementation of the personal approach, the results of the diagnostic stage provide rich material for the empirical study of landmarks for the formation of the individual educational trajectory of those seeking higher education. This significantly affects the quality of education and professional training. The article presents a proposal regarding the use of pedagogical design elements for the formation of foreign language competence of students of higher education: determining the style and format of interactions, educational and cognitive communications, developing educational content according to the principles of rationality, efficiency, and emotional comfort. The author presented the experience of using J. Keller's model in the educational process, the basic plan for conducting a diagnostic class in the form of a biennale.
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