The article reveals the peculiarities of the process of modification and modernization of national education, through the prism of which the problem of academic culture of students of higher education institutions in the process of professional training is actualized. The latter is defined as an essential component of the professional competence of future specialists in pedagogical and other socio-humanitarian fields, which aims to contribute to overcoming the cultural gap between the participants of educational interaction within the educational institution at the national level, as well as to contribute to making up for these academic cultural orientations in the pan-European and world paradigm. The concept of academic culture is considered, which involves the culture of learning in a higher education institution, the development of values, traditions, the regulatory and legal framework in the implementation of scientific research projects, taking into account the requirements for the culture of a scientific text, and in general the cultivation of spirituality and morality, nationally oriented vectors of scientific knowledge . It is foreseen that in the general concept of the implementation of academic culture on the Ukrainian scientific and educational ground, it is also necessary to outline the culture of communication within the academic community, and therefore to emphasize public, social, moral responsibility for the results of academic interaction, taking into account all aspects of this multidimensional concept. An analysis of the key elements that ensure academic culture in a pedagogical institution of higher education on the basis of academic freedom, the rules of tolerance laid down in society, with a projection on the pedagogical optimism that is formed in the cultural and educational space of a modern university, is carried out. It is taken into account that the professional formation of an individual cannot take place without taking into account the rapid globalization processes in the development of world standards of professional training, which are becoming more and more complex, competitive, and perfect. Academic culture as a system of values and norms within the limits of communication in a certain academic community is designed to respond to new conditions of the development of society, global practices, which, accordingly, have a significant impact on a person, the nature of his work and requirements for professional training. In particular, the ways of implementing the request for the introduction of artificial intelligence and individualization models into the educational process, user interaction with the model (ChatGPT, GitHub Copilot, GPTZero, the Lex.page platform and similar generative tools) and their effects on the process of carrying out certain educational, professional oriented tasks, on the general professional development of the individual.
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