The problem of organizing the educational process in the context of children’s health saving in a modern educational institution is considered. Health and education have been shown to be interrelated and interdependent. Successful mastering of school programs, children’s spiritual life, world outlook, mental development, level of educational achievements, belief in their forces depend on health, well-being and cheerfulness of children. It is emphasized that the most important aspect of the implementation of health objectives in the educational institution is the use of appropriate health education technologies. The content of the concept of “health educational technologies” has been clarified as favorable conditions for children’s education at school (absence of stressful situations, adequacy of requirements, methods of teaching and education); optimal organization of the educational process (according to age, gender, individual characteristics and hygienic norms); full and rationally organized motor mode. A modern classification of health technologies based on the work of scientists is presented. It is proved that the use of health technologies in a general secondary educational institution is a condition for the development of a health educational environment aimed at strengthening the health of participants in the educational process; a positive psychological atmosphere at training sessions; teachers’ and students’ awareness of ways to maintain health and their health behavior; developing a valued attitude by teachers to their own health and the health of students; disease prevention, negative attitude towards bad habits, etc. The need for qualified specialists ready to use health technologies in professional activities is substantiated. Here are some examples of the introduction of health technologies in the educational process of educational institutions in Volyn.
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