The article reveals the features of training future specialists in the field of tourism employing remote learning. It was established that remote learning is one of the most critical areas of the Ukrainian education system renewal today. Proved the necessity of using remote learning in higher education institutions (HEI) in current conditions. Established that remote learning is a promising form of training for future professionals in the field of tourism. It was determined that remote learning is a purposeful interaction process between teacher and student, which is carried out at a distance. Information and communication technologies (ICT) are the leading methods of remote learning. They form the professional knowledge, skills, and abilities of future tourism professionals. The most common means of distance learning were identified: electronic textbook; electronic directory; computer models, simulators, and constructors; electronic board; computer training programs; computer testing systems, etc. Highlighted the forms of classes organization, which are most often used in training future specialists in the field of tourism employing remote learning, in particular: chat classes, web classes, video conferences. The most popular distance learning systems used in HEI were identified. The remote learning platform Moodle was found the most successful among such. Characterized the main advantages and disadvantages of remote learning in training tourism professionals in current conditions. It was concluded that remote learning is not being implemented quickly enough in the educational process of the HEI today, in particular those who train specialists in the field of tourism. The main reasons for inhibition of this process were analyzed. It was established that the Ukrainian HEIs should learn and use the successful global experience of using remote learning, which has several advantages over traditional.
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