The article is devoted to the problem of teaching students the elements of combinatorics in primary grades. The purpose of the article is to identify and substantiate the methods of solving combinatorial problems in the elementary course of mathematics. Based on the analysis of the curriculum (curriculum) and textbooks on mathematics, various approaches to the introduction of the content line "Statistics and Probability" into the practice of elementary school are considered. The solution of combinatorial problems by students in primary grades contributes to their acquisition of certain mathematical skills and knowledge, and also prepares them for work on problems with elements of statistics and probability theory. The article describes the characteristics of combinatorial problems and discusses various methods for their solution. It was revealed that, when solving them in primary school, two methods are mainly used: the selection of sets and their ordering. The solution of problems on the choice of subsets from a given set of objects, the calculation of the selected subsets and their ordering can be carried out in the study of many topics of the initial course of mathematics. The article provides examples of solutions to combinatorial problems by enumerating and compiling tables. The importance of solving geometric problems of a combinatorial nature in the elementary grades is also shown. It was revealed that solving combinatorial problems by the method of enumeration develops the mental activity of students, and also contributes to the formation of combining skills, which determine the development of combinatorial thinking. The revealed methods of teaching the solution of combinatorial problems can be useful in the work of primary school teachers. The inclusion of problems with elements of combinatorics in the elementary course of mathematics has a positive effect on the development of logical thinking in junior schoolchildren, and also plays an important role in preparing for the study of basic combinatorial concepts and formulas in high school.
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