Storytelling, as a learning tool, encourages younger students to read aloud and helps them to communicate their thoughts and feelings clearly, which is necessary for mastering the skills of everyday life. In addition, storytelling triggers a mechanism of critical thinking. The article considers the method of storytelling as an effective didactic resource in teaching English in primary school. The essence of the concept of “storytelling” and “digital storytelling” is revealed, the importance of teaching English with the help of the storytelling method for the formation of speech competence of primary school students is emphasized. The main focus is on the capabilities of digital platforms in English classes for younger school students. Possibilities of using educational platforms in the educational process of younger schoolchildren are investigated, the advantages of using the storytelling method and recommendations on planning and conducting storytelling for younger schoolchildren are highlighted. Involvement of digital technologies in educational activities in primary school opens new opportunities in teaching foreign languages in primary school. In particular, digital storytelling is an effective method for developing the communication skills of primary school children, as such activities in English as listening to a story, recording its elements, reproducing another's stories, teach important speech skills in general. The aim of the article is to encourage English teachers to improve the teaching of English by innovative methods of teaching foreign languages, including through digital storytelling as a methodological resource. In the future, the implementation of other specific goals for the introduction of storytelling in the curriculum, improving students’ motivation to learn foreign languages, developing students' critical thinking and creative perception through game situations, creating a positive learning atmosphere in learning English, etc.
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