The article considers the theoretical principles of professional training of future primary school teachers in higher education establishments. The necessity of digital transformation of the education system, organization of the educational process in higher education establishments with the introduction of innovative and digital technologies are substantiated as well. Regulatory and legal documents that characterize the feasibility of digitalization in education are systematized. The essence of the concepts “professional training” and “digitalization” is described. The results of the survey of higher education applicants of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University are presented and generalized. It was revealed that the priority tasks of higher education development in the context of digitalization should include not only the resource content of the educational environment with modern digital teaching aids, but also the training of teachers and students of higher education in order to use them effectively. It is the ability to use digital technologies that ensures the readiness of future primary school teachers to use digital technologies in their professional activities and creates a basis for the formation of their digital literacy and digital competence. The study allowed us to draw a conclusion that digitalization contributes to flexibility of the educational process in higher education establishments, provides the formation of competitive professionals who learn to quickly adapt to changing conditions unpredictably and rapidly (quarantine introduction). In our opinion, it is expedient to equip the premises in higher education establishments where classes are held with new models of technical teaching aids. It will improve the process of preparation of higher education students and the opening of specialized facilities for classes and independent work: Internet classes, multimedia classrooms, where training sessions are held using multimedia and digital technologies. In addition, the digital transformation of education increases the motivation of future primary school teachers to self-education and self-development, contributes to the achievement of new educational results those are adequate to the requirements of the digital society.
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