The article aims to discover the peculiarities of formation of creative potential of the future teacher of choreography in the higher educational establishments. The pedagogical conditions, beneficial for the formation and development of students- choreographers’ knowledge, skills and expertness have been studied. The content of the main mechanism of concepts has been analyzed and the stages of formation of creative potential of the future choreography teachers has been discovered. The stages of motivation, content and practice have been separated. The structure of creative potential, which consists of motivational, stylistic and instrumental segments, has been examined. The mandatory professional requirements of the future choreography teacher have been highlighted. The specifics of development of the personal professional qualities of the teacher have been framed. It is stated that the complex development of individual creative and activity-creative skills of the future choreography teachers is necessary for the effective formation of creative potential of a person. Pedagogical conditions, which would focus on improvement of choreographic, creative, pedagogical and intellectual skills, along with the determined positive motivation need to be designed for the effective formation of creative potential of the students. The main statements of scientific researches in the field of art education, which highlight the necessity to guarantee the balanced professional training of the future choreography teachers along with the necessity to amplify its pedagogical direction, that covers the key positions in the process of stimulation the professional interest to pedagogical work of the choreography students, have been pointed out. The ability to express him or herself and find the individual solution, demonstrated by professional actions of reproductive and performing character is an important indicator of realization of creative potential of the future teacher. The future choreographers, in the process of self-realization of their creative potential develop themselves, creating their own integrated schemes of various types, namely: the fusion of the general knowledge, received from various sources, designing it into a system that would be used in their choreographic practice, in the process of solving theoretical and practical tasks.
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