The article highlights the peculiarities of the teachers social mobility formation in an inclusive educational space of primary school. The teacher’s ability to move flexibly between two environments: general education and inclusive is theoretically substantiated. A detailed analysis of the basic normative documents for the implementation of inclusive education, in particular the Salamanca Declaration and the legal framework of Ukraine on the inclusion of children with SEN in the general education space. The meaning of the concept of “inclusive education” is clarified, specific principles of education, upbringing and development of children with SEN in an inclusive environment are defined. It is recognized that the Salamanca Declaration is a basic constitutional document that regulates the rights of persons with special educational needs to study. Based on the theoretical analysis of the definition of “social mobility”, the authors formulate the definition of «social mobility of primary school teachers”. The content of the responsibilities and tasks of a primary school teacher and an assistant teacher in an inclusive classroom is defined. Researchers have clarified the conditions for the formation of social mobility through the prism of the functioning of the teacher in an inclusive environment of primary school. In particular, the peculiarities of the formation of primary school teachers social mobility in the conditions of inclusion are singled out and characterized, among which: change of psychology of personal attitude to work in an inclusive environment; acceptance and awareness of the educational paradigm of inclusive education; introduction of new ways of organizing the educational process; mastering modern innovative methods of teaching primary school students in an inclusive classroom.
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