The article briefly presents the historical stages of development of the art of improvisation; the traditions of education of performers-improvisers in different art schools and systems of education are characterized; the peculiarities of improvisation teaching in Ukrainian art and educational institutions are considered (the basic educational centers are revealed and the basic principles of work on improvisation on the basis of folklore and jazz are formulated). The independent work of the student as one of the important forms of training is considered. It certifies the student’s knowledge, reflects his preparation for musical activity. It is analyzed that independent work is carried out under the guidance, but without the participation of the teacher, the implementation of which requires an initiative approach, attention, active creative imagination. The task of the teacher is to teach the student to organize himself while performing independent work both in practical classes and in individual creative ones, to be hardworking and active, to be able to acquire important skills, on which the end result will depend. Thanks to the student’s independent work, the teacher has an idea of his degree of readiness for classes, learning the material, monitors his creative growth, has the opportunity for an individual approach during the educational process. During the research, Internet sources, specialized literature, methodical and scientific developments of native musicians-teachers and musicologists were used. The research is based on methods of comparison, synthesis and generalization. The relevance of the study is to substantiate the contradiction between the need of modern school for music teachers who can improvise in the popular jazz style among young people, on the one hand, and the established practice of music teachers who can perform only the studied text, on the other. The problem is formulated, which is to find methods and means of training specialists who have the basics of the art of jazz improvisation.
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