The article reveals the urgency of the problem of professional training of future specialists for the agricultural sector of Ukraine in higher education institutions. The study focuses on communication as a necessary means of forming one of the professional competencies. The specifics of the educational process are highlighted, which is impossible without full mastery of language competencies, because professional communication is a complex multifaceted process caused by many factors, which has a complex structure. The article considers educational-professional and educational-scientific programs of preparation of future specialists of educational levels junior bachelor, bachelor, master and doctor of philosophy in the context of 6 faculties and 19 specialties at Uman National University of Horticulture. The article emphasizes the study of disciplines “Ukrainian language”, “Business Ukrainian language”, “Foreign language”, “Business foreign language”, “Business Ukrainian and foreign language”, “Fundamentals of scientific communication in foreign languages” and the share of each from the analyzed disciplines to the total volume of relevant educational programs was analyzed, the ratio of loads on the study of Ukrainian and foreign languages is calculated, the types of final controls of these educational components are analyzed. It is established that the analyzed scientific programs are focused on the acquisition by students of professional knowledge, skills, abilities and other competencies for the successful implementation of their future professional activity. It was found that the study of language is given considerable attention, as evidenced by their high specific shares in the structure of the total load. In addition, according to some educational and professional programs, language learning is diversified by different disciplines. These educational components make it possible to significantly expand the list of both program learning outcomes and general and professional competencies of future professionals.
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Каричковський В. Д., Каричковська С. П. Основні аспекти навчання іноземної мови у немовних ВНЗ України. Збірник наукових праць «Педагогічні науки» Херсонського державного університету. 2017. Випуск № 77. Том 1. С. 81–85.
Definition of a Process of Forming Professional Communicative Competence of the Future Agrarian Experts. Vision 2025 / O. Lazariev, Yu. Fernos, L. Movchan, N. Komisarenko, S. Tymchuk, L. Neshchadym. Education Excellence and Management Innovations through Sustainable Economic Competitive Advantage : Proceedings of the 34-th IBIMA Conf., 13–14 November 2019 / Editor : Khalid S. Soliman. Madrid, Spain, 2019. P. 11099–11107.
Перелік освітніх програм для молодшого бакалавра. Інформаційний пакет ЄКТС : вебсайт. URL: https://ects.udau.edu.ua/ua/informaciya-po-programam.html?level=jbachelor (дата звернення: 05.11.2021).
Перелік освітніх програм для бакалавра. Інформаційний пакет ЄКТС : вебсайт. URL: https://ects.udau.edu.ua/ua/informaciya-po-programam.html?level=bachelor (дата звернення: 05.11.2021).
Перелік освітніх програм для магістра. Інформаційний пакет ЄКТС : вебсайт. URL: https://ects.udau.edu.ua/ua/informaciya-po-programam.html?level=master (дата звернення: 05.11.2021).
Перелік освітніх програм для доктора філософії. Інформаційний пакет ЄКТС : вебсайт. URL: https://ects.udau.edu.ua/ua/informaciya-po-programam.html?level=fdoctor (дата звернення: 05.11.2021).