The article highlights the main aspects of the problem of preparing future primary school teachers to conduct end-to-end educational activities. The last normative documents that determine the requirements for pedagogical activity of modern teachers and the necessary competencies of a teacher are analyzed, the reasons for expanding their range for successful professional activity of a modern teacher are determined. The essence of the concept of "professional training" in the views of scientists is considered, the levels of this process are noted. Emphasis is placed on the importance of the educational component in the educational process. It is noted that the educational process of NUSH focuses on moral and ethical and socio-political values, the genesis of the concept of "value" is considered. It is stated that the Concept of the New Ukrainian School recommends the education of strong character traits through cross-cutting experience, a key element of which should be the example of the teacher. The influence of the primary school teacher on the formation of the personality of junior schoolchildren is highlighted. The importance of psychological and pedagogical competence of primary school teachers is highlighted. It is noted that the components of preparation for end-to-end educational activities are not only professional but also personal components. The volume of psychological and pedagogical disciplines and pedagogical practice in the process of preparation in a higher education institution is analyzed. The peculiarities of the formation of humane relations in the process of training future teachers are shown. The most effective forms of work to stimulate the process of educating students of pedagogical colleges are listed. An attempt is made to define the concept of "preparation for end-to-end educational activities". Emphasis is placed on the importance of supporting education reform at the state level to ensure a positive image of teachers, as well as the need for continuous personal growth of teachers, the formation of lifelong learning skills in the training of future professionals.
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