The article is devoted to the relevant problem of preparing a future preschool teacher for music education of preschool children. Under the growth of competition of educational services, the problem of quality of preparation of the expert of innovative type who is capable to realize educational standards, to introduce new educational technologies acquires special value. Training a future preschool teacher testifies to expansion of professional competencies that are caused by orientation on new tendencies of development of education in Ukraine and priorities of the present. Modern preschool teacher must be dynamic and mobile in the changing conditions of Ukrainian society and effectively realize their personal potential creative approach to the professional activities. The issues of gaining musical and pedagogical knowledge, skills and abilities that contribute to the solution of creative tasks of educational process are considered. It is especially important for a preschool teacher to help a child to reveal his individuality, to promote his comprehensive development, personal formation. Means of aesthetic education are described. Possibilities of using children’s music by Ukrainian composers in the process of musical and aesthetic development of preschoolers at music lessons in preschool institutions are revealed. Particular importance is attached to music. After all, it directly affects a child’s feelings, helps him to better understand the world. That is why music and pedagogical training of future preschool teachers is so important today. Thus, special importance is given to the domestic education system, which at the present stage of its development has embarked on the path of quality training of future preschool teachers, able to work creatively and productively to improve their knowledge, skills, abilities in various musical activities in order to expand their professional competence in modern conditions of pedagogical reality. Within the framework of musical and pedagogical training, students form musical and aesthetic competence, which is expressed in the presence of a certain basis of knowledge and willingness to use theoretical knowledge in practical experience for the successful solution of problems of musical development of children.
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