The article considers the peculiarities of training future experts in the field of education in Ukrainian higher education institutions of Ukraine and abroad in terms of pedagogical historiography. The author demonstrates the implementation of training of undergraduates “Educational, Pedagogical Sciences” at the Precarpathian National University named after Vasyl Stefanyk, including the acquisition of general and professional competencies, studying the quality criteria of the educational process in the context of training experts in education in Eastern European countries. The relevance of the training of educational experts is determined by the functions they perform, which will ensure the introduction of innovations in educational activities, taking into account world practices, will improve the quality of education, in particular higher education. Among the main functions of expert activity in pedagogical historiography, the authors single out analytical, educational, expert, generalizing, prognostic, facilitative, consulting and supervisory, the implementation of which determines the content of special competencies of an educational expert. We have proved that in the scientific literature «expertise in education» is considered as a systematic analysis of a problem, process or phenomenon in education or in one of its subsystems to determine the stimulating or inhibiting factor, their development and subsequent consolidation or elimination. After all, the examination involves research, evaluation, forecasting of pedagogical phenomena, objects, processes, determining the adequacy of educational services, coordination of priorities of various activities of educational institutions, as well as provides a competent and systematic approach to improving the educational process. The comparative method shows the process of training experts in the field of education by master's degrees in the program “School Development and Quality Assurance” at the universities of Germany, Austria and Switzerland; selection by quality assurance agencies of candidates for experts (Lithuania, Estonia), in accordance with the requirements of which future experts are trained.
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