The article describes the procedural component of readiness of future preschool teachers for professional activity in in preschool institutions, which is interpreted as a dynamic integrative personal and professional quality, which is characterized by a certain structure. The views of scientists on the content “future preschool teachers readiness for professional activity” has been considered, its structural components has been revealed. Based on the analysis of the scientific fund on this topic, the semantic component of the procedural component has been determined, which provides for the formation of reflective, communicative and organizational skills and abilities of future professional and pedagogical activity. The semantic essence of the concepts “subject-subject relations” and “subject-subject interaction” have been analyzed. Emphasis is placed on the importance of students ’awareness of the need for subject-subject interaction as the basis for future teaching. The importance of forming reflective and empathic skills in future preschool teachers as a necessary tool of professional activity, which allows future educators to understand the true essence of pedagogical activity, to understand the motives of their own actions and motives of behavior, to imagine the possible consequences of personality, also take responsibility for the development of the pupils' personalities. It is substantiated that important indicators of professional competence of the future preschool teachers are communicatiove and organizational skills. Particular attention has been paid to the disclosure of the essential characteristics of the above concepts. Attention is drawn to the fact that the process of formation of organizational skills is closely related to the development of leadership skills in future preschool teachers, which are a variety of socio-psychological characteristics of the individual that help him to take a leadership position in the group.
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