The problems of the present are considered in the work: low motor, physical activity of youth, decline in educational institutions of disciplines physical culture and physical education, negative influence of innovative devices (gadgets) on a life of the young person. The strategy for the development of physical culture, recommendations for improving the system of physical education and sports among young people – the constituent state documents that recognize the problems of today, and which have the appropriate vector to improve the situation. The primary task of the country’s leadership, heads of educational institutions, teachers, educators is to introduce physical and physical activity in the daily life of the younger generation, to promote sports and a healthy lifestyle. The article provides pedagogical advice on compliance with the principle of consciousness in the process of teaching physical education, explores practical ways, stages of formation of students' active and conscious attitude to exercise. These developments should create a new image of modern man, determine the conditions for students to show “fashion” for a positive, responsible attitude to physical culture, training, physical performance, their own health and the health of future children. Historical events of mankind have always influenced and changed the direction of physical education in society. For a long time, the development of physical culture, and later its theoretical justification, was determined by the military needs of the country. Physical culture had a pronounced military orientation and transformations, first of all, were formed under the influence of the relevant military institutions, departments. The times when human physical development was seen as a tool in achieving certain ambitious plans, goals, remained in past centuries. The realities of today show that under the influence of radical changes in society, inevitably changed the direction of physical culture and education, from outdated organizational to meaningful, new forms aimed at maintaining, maintaining human health, forming a sustainable attitude to a healthy lifestyle, removal of psycho-emotional stress, planning a life strategy for the future.
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