The article studies the main methods and means of developing a creative personality in the classes of Ukrainian language and literature as educational component of a competent speaker and reader. The main emphasis has shifted from the accumulation of linguistic or literary knowledge to the purposeful development of linguistic and literary competence as an integrated quality of personality. Much attention is given to the formation of the spiritual face of the student and his culture. It depends on how teachers will be able to develop the ability of student to find beauty in what surrounds him every day. The study shows that the development of creative abilities is important for any student, because he becomes more independent in the judgments, has his own point of view and is able to defend it, he has a higher efficiency and most importantly - develops his emotional sphere, feelings. With developed emotions, thinking is developed. It is emphasized that an important feature of a competent language personality is its constant intellectual development, development of memory (visual and auditory), thinking - abstract (conceptual) and figurative (artistic), observation, imagination – reproductive (reproductive) and creative. Positively created environment contributes to the formation of such components of literary competence: personal (dialogic speech, creative imagination, development of natural talents), activity (figurative thinking, independent critical evaluation of the actions of a literary character), cognitive (knowledge of literary content and literary theory).The study revealed that a competent linguistic personality has spiritual richness and the ability to preserve and develop the linguistic traditions of national speech etiquette.
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