The article considers exercises for the integrated development of lexico- grammatical skills in reading based on a sketch construction project as a development means of developing English lexical and grammatical competence in reading. The purpose of the work is to demonstrate samples of a group of exercises from a subgroup of exercises for the integrated development of lexico- grammatical skills in reading skills based on a sketch construction project for the development of English lexical and grammatical competence in reading. The theoretical feasibility of developing this group of exercises is justified by the presence of scientific works of scholars on lexical and grammatical competence as a dominant component of language competence for future civil engineers. The methodology of the article is based on the stages of skills formation, grammar teaching and on certain and substantiated theoretical preconditions for the formation of future engineers-builders of English lexical and grammatical competence in reading. The scientific novelty is in the development of exercises based on a sketch construction project as an aid for learning with the help of educational publications created for students of construction specialties. Sample of exercises have been shown with indication of the purpose, type, characteristics of the exercise and instructions. Thus, a group of exercises has been developed that correlates with the final stage of formation of lexical and grammatical competence in future civil engineers in reading and contains appropriate subgroups aimed at integrated development of lexical and grammatical skills in three types of reading (introductory, review and study). There is also a communicative exercise for establishment of the meaning of lexical units and grammatical structures in order to teach students to understand the meaning of lexical units and grammatical structures at the text level. Conditional-communicative / communicative exercise with a reflective component has been shown to teach students to understand lexical units and grammatical structures to correlate customer requirements with correct engineering solutions (to a sketch construction project with their subsequent presentation) in order to develop skills of establishing semantic connections between words and sentences (study reading). Exercises with a gradual increase in complexity have been demonstrated.
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