The article under consideration is devoted to the substantiation of various aspects of the improvement of technological, professional, and pedagogical training of future lawyers, the main functions of the future lawyer-lecturer, the process of his adaptation to real professional activity have been revealed. The problem of training professional lawyers for professional activity and the real level of professional and pedagogical readiness of the future lawyer to the activity in different types of legal institutions have been analyzed. The publication states that methodology of the formation of basic competencies (forms, means, methods, principles) in legal institutions of special-purpose involves the creation of special conditions (specialized classrooms) for practical classes in special subjects and humanities. It should be noted that the humanitarian component is insufficiently reflected in the curricula of special-purpose universities. It is proved that the professional activity of a future lawyer-lecturer, in addition to deep special qualified knowledge, skills and abilities requires a system of psychological, and pedagogical knowledge, skills and techniques that provide a high culture of communication as well as developing skills of appreciation and respect for diversity and multiculturalism through reflection, self-improvement, cognitive and creative activity. Knowledge of pedagogy is necessary for the effective organization of work with people carrying out legal educational work. It is revealed that at the present stage of the development of the higher educational system the role of a teacher has changed significantly. According to the competency approach, the teacher takes the position of an organizer, a consultant, a tutor who, in some way, orients the educational process for getting an independent experience by future lawyers-lecturers. The authors determine that professional and pedagogical training of future lawyers in the context of the competence approach does not cover all aspects of this problem and requires further study of the methodology for forming components of future lawyers’ professional and pedagogical competence.
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