The author of the article identifies the features of the formation of critical thinking in future specialists of the State criminal and executive service in the process of their professional training. The author addresses the historical aspects of the application of the technology of critical thinking development, identifies the signs of the formation of critical thinking, and describes the main stages of formation of critical thinking within the training session – actualization, comprehension and reflection. It substantiates the tasks of each of these stages and indicates the methods that will be effective for the formation of critical thinking of future specialists of the State criminal and executive service. She substantiates the expediency of moving away from forms and methods of informative and reproductive nature to problem and research tasks. The scientist identifies the features of professional training of future specialists of the State criminal and executive service in the context of the technology of critical thinking in the educational process, in particular: the use of tasks aimed at analysis, synthesis, comparison, establishment of logical connections, generalization; research activity on the basis of independent cognitive activity of cadets, their interpersonal interaction and constant cooperation; encouraging cadets to search for information, evaluate each other, use evidence and formulate conclusions; organization of cooperation on the basis of explanation, discussion, substantiation, hypotheses, generation of ideas, joint problem solving, decision making; the focus of educational activities is not on stating the facts, but on formulating one’s own judgments. The author of the article argues that in the process of introducing the technology of critical thinking in the training of future specialists of the State criminal and executive service, the teacher must remember the effective use of time, selection of optimal methods and techniques, creating conditions for free expression of cadets’ own thoughts and ideas, encouraging them to take an active position within educational activities, forming an atmosphere of mutual respect and trust.
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