The article substantiates the policies and procedures of the Lviv Polytechnic National University regarding the observance of the principles of academic culture and integrity by the participants of the educational process. In particular, based on the analysis of individual elements of the framework program for quality assurance of academic integrity, proposed in the studies of Hanna Poliakova, Yuliia Lola and Olha Pochuieva, the peculiarities of implementation and evaluation of the level of observance of academic culture and integrity at the Lviv Polytechnic National University are revealed. An analysis of the integrity of the system of implementation and monitoring of the level of academic culture and integrity in the university within the system of internal quality assurance of education, which is based on a certain system of principles, policies and procedures. The distribution of responsibility for good academic behavior between the subjects of the educational process of the university is highlighted. A list of procedures, indicators and policies of the university regarding the observance of academic integrity by the academic community is presented. It was found out, that the university has developed and applied in the educational process the relevant regulations governing the principles of academic integrity. Among them, the provisions on academic integrity, the Code of Corporate Culture, the rules of examination for academic plagiarism of students' qualifications, manuscripts of dissertations and monographs, manuscripts of articles submitted for publication in periodicals and the procedure for reviewing applications from students of Lviv Polytechnic National University. An equally important tool for detecting and preventing manifestations of academic dishonesty at the university is the systematic conduct of surveys among research and teaching staff and applicants for higher education.
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