The article defines the essence of professional development of musical art bachelors. The specifics of vocal-ensemble training of students in the process of creative activity are highlighted, which provides a combination of the theoretical knowledge and practical skills, acquisition of the necessary professional competencies. The main pedagogical principles of vocal-ensemble training of bachelor's degree students are introduced. The use of the proposed pedagogical principles will contribute to the effective preparation of bachelors to lead vocal ensembles, also it will ensure the realization of the creative potential of future leaders of musical ensembles. The main pedagogical principles of vocal-ensemble training of musical art bachelors are: the principle of unity of collective music making, the principle of systematic vocal-professional orientation, the principle of integrity of vocal-ensemble development, the principle of creative image, the principle of artistic and aesthetic performance interpretation of a musical work, the principle of artistic and creative self-realization, the principle of musical taste stimulating. Emphasis is placed on the expediency of systematic use of methodological techniques in work with a vocal ensemble, which allow students to develop not only vocal and technical skills, but also the skills of artistic expression. The readiness of musical art bachelors for practical activities with a vocal ensemble is determined by a high level of music-theoretical and vocal-ensemble knowledge, practical and methodological skills, ability to use modern interactive technologies. It is proved that only the comprehensive provision of pedagogical principles can become the basis of high-quality vocal-ensemble training and the formation of artistic-performance experience in musical art bachelors.
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