The article considers the process of productive activities that is a career, during which the employee, climbing the career ladder, learns new technologies and techniques, functional and job responsibilities, management, social roles and so on. The principles of effective career planning are also established in the paper. They have contributed to the greatest effect in career planning, human capital formation and success in the labor market. Particular importance is given to a competency building approach in the career planning process of employees and consideration of ways to build career paths, creating competency assessment profiles for positions and employees, as well as building parallel hierarchies. It is proved that a career almost entirely depends on the desire of the employee to develop it, as well as the organisation’s influence to these processes. It is analyzed that career planning helps to choose a job in an organization that gives professional growth opportunities to the employees and improves living standards; get a higher degree of job satisfaction; to present more clearly personal professional prospects, to plan other aspects of life; purposefully prepare for future professional activity; increase competitiveness in the labor market. The most important for career planning is the development of such skills as self-analysis of interests, abilities, business and personal qualities, goal setting, coordination of personal interests and the interests of the organization. But being young and purposeful is not enough to become the best among other candidates for a prestigious position, the selection results are influenced by several other factors. The most important factor today is fluency in foreign languages. Preference is given to those who speak English, less often the knowledge of French or German is required. And the second factor - in-depth knowledge of a personal computer system, the ability to obtain valuable information. Depending on the peculiarities of the structural unit at least a minimum knowledge of special programs will be required.
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