It is defined withing the work that the implementation of new techniques, methods and tools in teaching that form the ability to independently acquire knowledge, collect necessary information, put forward hypotheses and draw conclusions is becoming more and more relevant in the modern educational process. It was also found that information technologies are closely involved in these processes. So, it means that a modern educational applicant should have universal educational skills that ensure the ability to organize independent educational activities. Streamlining of the learning process combines different forms and methods in a specific combination, each time in the best possible way for a specific situation. The author substantiates the one of the priority areas of the modern education streamlining process is informatization, that is, the implementation of new information technologies into the educational system. Information technologies have already become a powerful tool in improving efficiency in studying academic disciplines, increasing the strength of knowledge, the interest of applicants in the subject and the overall effectiveness of the educational process, and saving time when studying educational material. Such digital interaction between applicants for higher education and teachers of the Department of Pedagogy and Teaching Methodology and department of German philology of HIIM DVNZ DDPU is seen as an example. During the period of pandemic lockdown in the country all tasks are available on the Moodle platform, and duplicated by sending via e-mail. Consulting is carried out by means of mobile connection, communication in various messengers (correspondence, audio, video). Besides, the development of means of telecommunications creates a comfortable environment for training applicants for education with disabilities professional development of employees by providing them an opportunity to access training materials at any location and at any convenient time. It is clarified and proved that the use of modern information technologies allows to optimize the educational process resulting in speeding it up, saving teachers' time, actively implementing human and scientific potential of production facilities into reality, and developing their skills in dealing with new information.
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