Analysis of the changes taking place in modern education and reflected in a number of normative documents, give grounds to assert that the issue of readiness of future teachers for professional activity is one of the main tasks of modern education. In the article we analized the essence, structure, criteria and indicators of future foreign language teacher`s readiness for professional activity. It is diagnosed the formation levels of this readiness. The pedagogical conditions of future foreign language teachers readiness formation for professional activity are analyzed. A detailed analysis of the concepts of "readiness" and "training" is presented, as well as the essence of the concept of "readiness of future foreign language teachers for professional activities". The concept of readiness for professional activity in the article is considered from two positions: functional and personal. This made it possible to determine that the readiness of future foreign language teachers for professional activity is an integrated quality characterized by the unity of components (value-motivational, semantic, procedural-reflexive, personal- communicative) and characterizes the goals, motives for students' creativity, mastery necessary knowledge, skills, abilities, professional competence of foreign language communicative competence formation of students. The readiness of future foreign language teachers for professional activity is based on their conscious modern interpretation of the foreign language communicative competence formation. It is proved that the conditions of realization of the specified phenomenon include: formation of student`s motivation to professional activity; enrichment of the educational content of disciplines, methods, means and features of their formation in the process of learning a foreign language in the professional activity of the future foreign language teachers; the level of skills in the use of methods for solving various pedagogical problems; directing students to pedagogical self-improvement and reflection by analyzing their own experience.
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