This article deals with the material on the aesthetic education of today's student youth through concert activities - music and art. The article highlights the specifics of musicians' concert activities as an indicator of their performing skills. Aspects of performing skills of musicians, its structure are considered. The realization of the educational potential of music art as a means of aesthetic education of students of higher education institutions, pedagogical profile in particular, has rarely been the subject of special research. Thus, the question of aesthetic development of future teachers by means of musical art corresponds to the priority areas of development of the domestic system of higher education. However, in the process of solving this problem there are a number of significant contradictions between: recognition of personal and social value of concert activities designed to ensure aesthetic, spiritual, moral, intellectual, emotional, development of future teachers and insufficient involvement of aesthetic potential of such activities in education; powerful ideological and educational potential of musical art and efforts of pseudo-cultural and inhumane artistic products in the media, which cause the loss of public values of student youth; the urgent objective need of society in the education of the aesthetic worldview of student youth by means of musical art and insufficient scientific and methodological development of this problem in the modern system of higher pedagogical education. The article states that in the system of higher pedagogical education attention to the aesthetic education of future professionals, consideration of specific ways and means of aesthetic education during the educational process should be considerable paid. It is the key to active development of spiritual and aesthetic values of youth. Important tasks of aesthetic education of student youth are the formation of aesthetic concepts, views and beliefs; creative abilities, aesthetic motives; needs of artistic self-development; artistic and aesthetic tastes, feelings, reactions; worthy of the aesthetic ideal and the ability to see the beauty of creativity; skills and abilities to create beautiful things in life.
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