The article describes the place and role of ethical and behavioral aspects of the influence of social networks on the development of students’ cognitive interest to learning a foreign language for professional purposes. The set of features of ethical and behavioral aspects of the development of students’ cognitive interest through the use of social networks in the study of a foreign language for professional purposes have been singled out. The content of teaching a foreign language for professional purposes with the use of social networks has been highlighted. The essence of the key concepts of the study – «virtual discourse» and «social network» – has been revealed. The positive aspects of the use of social networks in increasing students’ cognitive interest to learning a foreign language for professional purposes have been revealed. The focus has been made on identifying the most popular modern social networks and outlining the possibilities of their use in the context of teaching a foreign language for professional purposes in order to increase students’ motivation and cognitive interest. The authors’ examples of conducting lessons of a foreign language for professional purposes using social networks (Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, TikTok, Telegram) have been provided. It has been proven that the study of a foreign language for professional purposes using social networks contributes to the implementation of the principle of accessibility of education, convenience, extensive information content, informality of education, a favorable emotional background, optimization of the educational process, an individual approach to learning, and also creates a solid foundation for enhancing cognitive interest of students, self-learning and self-development, the formation of communication skills and cooperation between a teacher and a student in extracurricular time, overcome any barriers in the conditions of the limited access to learning, making it non-standard and interesting.
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