The article considers the system of professional training of social workers in higher education institutions, highlights its constituent components, provides their substantive characteristics. Particular attention is paid to the uniqueness of the implementation of this system in the practice of the Institute of Humanities of the Odesa Polytechnic State University, which indicates the presence of a number of difficulties in the educational process of applicants. The purpose of the system of professional training of a social worker is given, namely the development of his personality, which is characterized by a certain set of integration characteristics. The directions of realization of this system of professional training of social workers in practice are listed. The components of the content of training programs implemented in the process of training social workers are characterized. The implementation of professional training of students is associated with the use of various technologies, the choice of which is based on the goals of learning and development, the preparation of students for the perception of new educational material, as well as the analysis of psychological and pedagogical conditions. It is generalized that one of the most important conditions that contribute to improving the quality of the educational process is the readiness of the teaching staff to implement the pedagogical system of professional training of social workers. It is emphasized that the organization of the system of social and pedagogical support of applicants should include a comprehensive program to address these issues. It is determined that the standardization of the content of education is necessary to create a single pedagogical space, which will ensure a single level of education in different types of educational institutions. Thus, the main principle of determining the technology of professional training of a social worker is a systematic approach to this process.
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