The article presents the main directions of the formation of natural mathematical competencies of the student by the teacher as a result of the educational process in the realities of war. The directions of the teacher’s work with students, forms and methods of educational activities under distance learning during martial law in the state were theoretically analyzed. The need for parallel formation of basic educational competencies and maintaining a stable psychological state of children and teachers was noted. It was theoretically analyzed modern studies of scientists who develop the basics of effective educational activities in accordance with the conditions of the surrounding reality that explain the behavior of the teacher and students in difficult conditions, during conflict situations, stressful states at both theoretical and practical levels. The main key competencies in the process of natural-mathematical training were considered, namely: information and digital, mathematical, environmental literacy, health-saving, etc. It was noted that for the effective formation of key competencies it is necessary for the teacher to comply with the proportional requirements for the content component of certification tasks in accordance with the requirements and methodological recommendations of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine. A list of online forms and applications that allow students to adapt to take tests, assessments, or external independent evaluations in mathematics and/or chemistry along with teacher assignments was analyzed. Academic integrity of the teacher should be reflected in the compilation of tasks of examination work that cover different topics in accordance with the methodological recommendations of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. It is recommended to apply an individual approach to each student, stick to the personal-competence orientation, cooperative-interactive cohesion of students in the application of information and digital technology to stabilize the emotional state of the subjects of the educational space in the conditions of military reality.
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