The study of didactic methods of distance learning, principles and forms of organization of the educational process, as well as the criteria of effectiveness, didactic tools for the organization of distance learning. Based on the results of comparing didactic tools and criteria for the effectiveness of distance education for different models of distance education, it is proposed to apply the model of distance education on the basis of one university which combines full-time and distance learning. The proposed work proposes a set of application of didactic tools for distance learning, which involves the use of application packages for laboratory work, workshops; use of social networks and means of communication for audio and visual teaching of materials; application of mental map technology to control the quality of knowledge acquisition. The paper proposes the main criteria for assessing the effectiveness of distance learning, which can be expressed as a criterion of effectiveness, which takes into account the quality of learning and the cost of training. It is suggested that this criterion should be vector, which will allow its further use in the case of improving the quality of educational services by distance learning methods. Based on the recommendations of the theory of «Operations Research», the effectiveness of distance education in such a complex human-machine system as the distance education system should be assessed by a vector indicator that includes two indicators: Q – quality and V – cost of distance education: E = (Q, V). Then, all possible options for assessing the effectiveness of distance learning E will be depicted as a point displayed in a two-dimensional coordinate system Q and V. This will clearly see the possible options and choose a rational one using mathematical methods of operations research and systems analysis. The novelty is to improve the process of control of knowledge and stimulate creativity, as well as ensuring technological competence through the introduction of a resource-oriented approach based on the use of mental map technology. The practical value of the expected results is the development of the legal framework of the university, the implementation of the «Regulations on distance learning», improving the system of monitoring knowledge, the formation of competencies in accordance with the social order. It is proposed to use the practice of mental maps when teaching disciplines to students of technical specialties. The main area was considered and aspects of practical application of this tool during the study of the discipline «Project Management» were described. The efficiency of application of technology of creation of mental maps in educational and research activity of students at the organization of distance learning is proved.
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