The content of the article is the understanding and relevance of scientific and pedagogical terminology: «language culture», «speech culture of primary school teachers» and «communicative competence». It is determined that one of the leading conditions for social progress of modern society is speech activity. Developed speech skills, according to scientists, are an indicator of pedagogical culture and pedagogical skills of primary school teachers in today’s educational environment. Current state regulations (Law of Ukraine «On Higher Education», National Strategy for Education Development in Ukraine for 2012–2021, On Measures to Ensure Priority Development of Education in Ukraine, Sectoral Concept for Development of Continuing Teacher Education, etc.) regulate speech activity teacher of any educational institution, noting that the language of the educational process in Ukrainian educational institutions is the state language, ie the Ukrainian language. It is noted that another important characteristic of the activities of primary school teachers in the modern educational environment, namely «language culture». Table 1 lists the author’s approaches to the definition of «speech culture». Also, the signs of the culture of speech of the primary school teacher are characterized, namely: correctness, variety, expressiveness, clarity, accuracy, normativeness, purity, brevity, expediency, logic, aesthetics, richness. The speech culture of a primary school teacher in the modern educational environment is not only an indicator of his professional qualities, but also a factor influencing his recognition in the educational world. A teacher who does not speak properly can not be satisfied with himself, which negatively affects his behavior, professional activities, even private life and so on. Analysis of the scientific literature has identified «communicative competence» as a complex structural phenomenon that contains a set of knowledge, skills and abilities that ensure effective communication. Therefore, an important component of the professional competence of primary school teachers in today’s educational environment is communicative competence.
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