The relevance of the article is justified by the fact that in the modern world, the Olympic movement has acquired special significance not only as a sporting phenomenon but also as a social, political, and educational phenomenon. The Olympic Games have become an extraordinary event in the life of the modern world, attracting a lot of attention from society and the international media. The concepts of Olympic education, Olympism, axiology, and the foundations of Olympic knowledge on which scientific interest has increased as to issues related to the Olympic movement not only as a sporting phenomenon but also as a system of moral and spiritual values are analyzed. The mai directions of the development of Olympic education in Ukraine are considered. The positive aspects of the introduction of Olympic education and the ideals of Olympism in the school educational process of independent Ukraine are highlighted. Emphasis is placed on the formation of the system of Olympic education and physical education in Ukraine, the purpose of which is to attract students to universal values. The article reveals the importance of the axiological approach in the education of schoolchildren and clearly points to the commonality of Olympic and axiological values, which are based on morality, spirituality, culture, and humanism. This is especially important to realize now, in the current context of the Russian military’s aggression against independent Ukraine, in which, in the heart of Europe, Ukrainians defend the importance of universal values while Russian soldiers in the occupied Ukrainian territories commit crimes beyond Nazi crimes. years of World War II. It is noted that due to the introduction of Olympic education in the educational process of the New Ukrainian School and the application of the axiological approach in the education of schoolchildren, the success of improving the quality of education in the Ukrainian pedagogical system will certainly be impressive.
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