The article analyzes the scientific approaches to the problem of legal education of student youth in domestic higher education institutions, which is quite relevant and controversial. Under legal education in a broad sense, we understand the constant historically and socially conditioned influence on the subjects of the initial formation of legal consciousness and adjustment of already formed consciousness, which provides knowledge of legal requirements, their positive assessment and transformation of legal principles and values into personal beliefs and motives. The variety of scientific works and approaches to understanding this process indicates that the issue of legal education of student youth is considered by educators and jurists as an objective pedagogical phenomenon, which is organically embedded in the educational process of a particular higher education institution, combining educational and extracurricular activities., various forms of practical work, rest and communication. Priority pedagogical and organizational requirements that produce legal education influences are: increasing the study of legal disciplines in free economic education and funding of legal education, organization of extracurricular activities with practitioners in the field of law, regular surveys to establish the level of legal awareness and legal culture of students. corruption and other forms of academic dishonesty among faculty, creating conditions for academic mobility of students (especially studying at EU universities), etc.
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